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How to set up your Member Page

New Member Features

- All members will have a secure member account area and your own webpage where you will be able to feature up to 15 images on your gallery.

Plus, this page will have a full screen Hero image at the top.

Plus, a new About Me section with your personal photo and wording.

Plus a larger image for the home page to feature one of your best images.

Plus, a Google Map at the bottom of the page.  Visit this link to see an example:'connell-photography

This gives you an opportunity to WOW potential visitors with up to 18 images of your work!

Now I Need Your Help!

Each member of PPOCC are asked to register(Sign up) on the new site and provide an email and password. Once registered check your email or spam folder for a confirmation email from Wix. Confirm on the email and you are all set. Note: if you do not receive the email you should still be able to log in.
Once you log in you will need to complete the new member referral page form. Even if you are not currently taking advantage of the premier referral page I ask you to please complete the form. This way other members can contact you for referrals, questions, etc, etc.

Here is the link to the website:

Click on the Log In link at the top right of the page.

What you'll need to complete the Member Page


1. For the Home page you'll need One Square (Your Best Image) sized 500px X 500px. We would prefer that you make it a single image and not a logo or collage. We would like to have a consistent look.


2. For the About Me section you'll need One Square Head Shot sized 250px X 250px.


3. For the Gallery you can have up to 15 images. Please size them 2000px on the long side and compressed to around 8 or 60%. I usually use Photoshop Save for Web for this. You can also try  or   You can also make an album in Facebook, Upload the images to that, then download them back to your computer


4. For the HERO image at the top of your page you'll need ONE image 2000px on the long side. It should be something that will look good centered on the screen so have important subjects centered.


It's REALLY IMPORTANT to resize the images as requested and not upload large images as they will slow down displaying the page and effect the user experience.



You'll need new copy for the Specialities, Description, and About Me sections.


Google Map:

You'll need your address coordinates ( Longitute and Latitude ) You can get this off of google maps.

I made a How to Video

This is my first attempt at a how to video so bear with me. It will show how to Sign up, Confirm, and begin creating your own studio member page.



What Happens Next 

After you join and complete your member page information it will not be immediately visible on the referral or member pages. I will need to go in and activate your listing. I usually check each day for changes but feel free to email me when you finished your page and I will activate it.

What if I don't have everything I need for the page?

Thats' OK. If you can get the basic information on the page it's a good start. You do not need to have 15 images on the gallery, the number is up to you. The Home page photo is important to have now. The About Me page doesn't have to be completed right away and it will auto hide if left blank. Same goes for the Google Map. Leave it blank and it will not show.

Problems along the way

I've spent many hours trying to make the design as bullet proof as possible. As with anything like this there could be a few glitches. Please call my attention to an error and I will have a look.

Our Goals:

We want this new website to be one the best forms of communications to the buyers of photography on Cape Cod. Your participation is crucial to making it a success. Selecting only your best images and captivating wording will help you and other members to get leads to potential work.

I am excited about the sites potential and I hope you will be too!

Now, more then ever we need to join forces to keep our share of photography work on Cape Cod with member studios.

We also want to grow the membership of PPOCC. New members will be the lifeblood of our group. Hopefully our new site will be an additional catalyst to continuing our fine group of photographers, and allow us to bring in new programs and events for all our benefit. 

I'm so looking forward to seeing all the new images everyone is creating and preparing to have our new website go Live early in 2021.

Thanks for all your help!


Mark O'Connell


by Professional Photographers of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA - All Rights Reserved - All images on this site are copyrighted by the individual photographers listed. Images may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred without written consent. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and is subject to criminal and civil penalties.

The Cape Cod Professional Photographers Welcomes You!

Thank you for protecting our copyright
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